Disclosure logs

The Disclosure Log lists documents which have been released through previous applications for information under the Right to Information Act 2009. Once released to the applicant, the Act allows documents which don't contain the applicant's personal information or any information contrary to the public interest to be made publicly available.

The Disclosure Log contains a summary of the information released under Right to Information Applications, but does not include Identifying details of the applicants. Documents released to applicants under the Act will be progressively published via council's Disclosure Log.

Should you have any questions or wish to obtain a copy of the released information, please contact the Right to Information Coordinator by telephoning  council's Client Service Centre on 1300 622 529.

Please provide the following information when contacting council:

  • Your request for the relevant disclosure log documents;
  • The application number as reference;
  • Your email, postal address and/or telephone number

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