Minimise disruption

When selecting a site or course and creating an event schedule, you need to consider who will be impacted by your event and minimise inconvenience to the community.

Where there are impacts due to changed traffic conditions, you have an obligation to communicate to the appropriate people, and make special arrangements where necessary.

You should be prepared to make changes to the site/course and/or schedule, based on advice from the agencies.

For example, your event could:

  • impact a business delivery schedule
  • impact a public transport service (route or stop)
  • impact on a business’ staff or contractor parking/loading area. You may have to arrange alternative staff parking and make alternative access arrangements
  • impact a service delivery schedule e.g. rubbish collection, postal delivery etc
  • the road closure might also close roads that lead into function centres, sports grounds or local parks and you may need to maintain access during the event. You could develop a pass system and need to brief the marshals to allow entry to users. Or develop a plan so that access is maintained for users but not for event patrons
  • impact a resident from accessing their home. You may be able to close or open the road earlier than first thought, or there may be a period during the event when you can provide access to their home

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