Mackay Laboratory Services

NATAQuality scientific and analytical water and wastewater testing for the general public, local government, business and industry.

Mackay Laboratory Services is an established, National Association of Testing Authority (NATA) accredited environmental laboratory focused on sampling and analysing water quality. The laboratory is centrally located on 89 Connors Road in Mackay and offers a range of tests designed for rainwater tanks and bores, up to large reticulated water systems.

They also undertake analytical chemistry and microbiology testing to determine the environmental quality of wastewater and effluent, as well as run-off and leachates from landfill sites.

Summary of services

Water Sample Typical Analyses
Drinking - from bores, tanks, town water supply pH, alkalinity, turbidity, true colour, total dissolved salts, metals, nutrients, TOC, E. coli, total coliforms and plate count
Irrigation – from bores, spear pumps and recycled water pH, total dissolved salts, iron, salinity, hardness, conductivity, sulphate, nutrients, E. coli, thermotolerant coliforms and plate count
Recreational – swimming pools and spas pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, chlorine, total dissolved salts, conductivity, nutrients, metals, E. coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, plate count
Wastewater domestic – from onsite sewage systems, sailing boats, septic tanks and municipal sewage system BOD, COD, suspended solids, chlorine, pH, nutrients, Enterococci and thermotolerant coliforms
Wastewater industrial – from trade waste COD, suspended solids, pH, nutrients, metals, oil and grease
Landfill - from bores and leachate ponds pH, alkalinity, turbidity, REDOX, total solids, metals, nutrients, gas monitoring.
Environmental – from waterway discharge and stormwater BOD, pH, alkalinity, turbidity, total dissolved salts, metals, nutrients, TOC, E. coli, total coliforms and Enterococci.

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