Road hierarchy plans and cross-sections

The adopted road hierarchy for Mackay is based on the Eppell Olsen & Partners Four Level Road Hierarchy based on the purpose, function, management and design elements of each road in the network.

Mackay Regional Council’s road hierarchy is included in the Mackay Region Planning Scheme. The hierarchy is available:

For download – Road hierarchy overlay maps from the Mackay Region Planning Scheme

Interactive mapping – MiMaps (select Mackay Region Planning Scheme, Overlays, Road Hierarchy)

Road hierarchy documentation

Hierarchy tables (PDF 173.9 kb)

Road hierarchy acceptable cross-sections

Access place (Urban) (PDF 71.2 KB)

Access street (Urban) (PDF 80.4 KB)

Collector (Rural) (PDF 77.7 KB)

Minor collector (Urban) (PDF 105.1 KB)

Subarterial (Industrial) (PDF 79.9 KB)