Natural Environment Levy

The Natural Environment Levy was introduced by council in 2003 to fund environmental projects across the Mackay area.  This scheme was extended to the entire municipality in 2008 following council amalgamations. Ratepayers contribute to the levy yearly via their rates.

The aim of the levy is to fund projects that address the following broad objectives:

  • Protect, manage and enhance ecologically significant areas on public and private land and encourage best practice in native vegetation and waterway management
  • Monitor health of native vegetation, water quality and ecosystems
  • Provide a range of types and styles of projects including pilot projects
  • Ensure an integrated catchment management focus to ensure multiple benefits (i.e. for biodiversity, land degradation, water quality, community wellbeing, economic and commercial gains)

Land acquisition

Each year, a proportion of funds (20 per cent) is set aside for the purpose of strategic land acquisition. Council has a land acquisition policy (PDF 100 KB) which is use to guide the acquisition of land.

Natural Environment Advisory Committee

The Natural Environment Advisory Committee has been set up to make recommendations to council about the appropriate environmental projects that may be funded via the levy.

The committee currently consists of two councillors, three community representatives, four local agency representatives and three council officers.  Meetings are held bimonthly.

The committee's operation is guided by the Natural Environment Advisory Committee Terms of Reference (PDF 79 KB).

The role of the committee is:

  • To identify avenues for greater involvement of the local community in Natural Resource Management activities
  • To review and make recommendations on various regional programs and reports
  • Provide advice (where necessary) on environmentally significant land for its suitability for acquisition utilising the Environmental Land Acquisition Fund
  • Review implementation of Stormwater Quality Management Plans
  • Provide input into the development of relevant environmental policies
  • To review the framework and program of the Committee on a regular basis to ensure it encompasses current environmental issues and priorities

NEAC meeting minutes 2017

NEAC meeting minutes 2016

NEAC meeting minutes 2015

NEAC meeting minutes 2014

NEAC meeting minutes 2013

NEAC meeting minutes 2012

NEAC meeting minutes 2011

NEAC meeting minutes 2010

NEAC meeting minutes 2009

NEAC meeting minutes 2008

NEAC meeting minutes 2007