Application to use a park, reserve or foreshore for a community social event

Public, corporate, sporting or community event (excluding Mackay Regional Botanic Gardens, Queens Park, Civic Precinct and community halls)

  • Submission of application does not constitute approval for park usage.
  • Application is to be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to nominated date to be considered.
  • Application does not guarantee park availability. If nominated area is unavailable, applicant will be contacted directly to discuss options.
  • No bookings are finalised until all requested documentation is submitted and payment of any applicable fees made in full.
  • If your application is approved, confirmation of booking will be provided in writing and forwarded to the nominated postal address provided.
  • Payment for this park booking is required within 14 days of application approval. This booking is not secured until payment is received by council. Please ensure you make payment so as not to be disappointed and lose your park booking.

Note: Public liability insurance with a minimum $20M coverage must be attached in order to submit your application.

Contact details

The event organiser is the name of the organisation who is the employer and in whose name the Public Liability Insurance is taken out.
Preferred contact method

Event details

(Please specify)
Event date from:
Application to be submitted min 30 days before
Start Time
Must include "set up"
Event date to:
End Time
Must include "pack down"
Type of event
(If organising an event to fundraise on behalf of a registered charity, a letter in support of fundraising from the benefiting charity must be attached to your application)
Anticipated number of attendees

Event requirements

Do you require access to onsite power?
Is vehicle access required?
Do you require a park gate to be unlocked?
Will you have inflatable entertainment/amusement rides
e.g. mini quads, jumping castle or similar (Amusements requiring water will NOT be approved)
Will you have live music / entertainment / amplification equipment
Temporary event permit may be required, please call Council’s Health & Regulatory Services on 1300 MACKAY
Will there be any animal activity
Temporary event permit may be required, please call Council’s Health & Regulatory Services on 1300 MACKAY
Will you be having marquees / tents / stalls
NOTE: Underground services are present in Council parks – for this reason Tents/Marquees should be freestanding or weighted down with sandbags
Will there be staging?
Will there be signage
All signage is to be free standing and not on road reserves
Will there be table and chairs
Will there be BYO food at event?
Will food or drink, or both, be sold or provided to members of the public?
NOTE: If food is being sold or provided to members of the public at the event, additional permit/s may be required, please contact Council’s Health & Regulatory Services on 1300 MACKAY. Separate applications must be made (fees may apply).
Will alcohol be sold?
Alcohol consumption in public parks is prohibited, event organisers will require a liquor licence and a separate application to be lodged with Health and Regulatory Services
Is a site plan for the event included with this application?
Required for all major events where significant infrastructure is proposed or a designated wet area is required.


Do you confirm that you have read and agree to the below Park, Reserve or Foreshore Hire Terms & Conditions

A confirmation receipt of the application email will be sent once the form is submitted.

Terms & conditions

  1. Applications are to be submitted a minimum of 30 days prior to the nominated date for approval to be considered.
  2. As a requirement of your approval Mackay Regional Council (MRC) may request The Hirer/ Approval holder have public liability cover of an amount not less than Twenty Million Dollars ($20,000,000.00) as part of a standard public liability insurance policy. A copy of the public liability insurance policy may be requested for sighting by Councils Parks Booking Officer before this application is approved.
  3. Should any fees, charges or bonds be applicable to this application, no confirmation of booking or letter of approval will be issued until payment has been made.
  4. Areas will not be cordoned off or signage erected by Council
  5. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the regions parks are maintained at an acceptable level, Council is unable to guarantee the condition of a specific park area at a particular time, however all efforts are made to provide extra mowing services prior to the booked date.
  6. Specific Terms and Conditions applicable to the approval of any booking shall be attached to the letter of approval sent to the applicant upon approval of this booking.
  7. The approval holder is to ensure that the use or activity authorised under the approval does not cause a nuisance.
  8. The approval holder is to take specific measures to protect the safety of persons who may be involved in, or affected by, the use or activity authorised under the approval.
  9. Any Tents or Marquees shall be free standing and weighted down with sand bags -   no in ground pegs are to be utilised.  Underground services are present in Council Parks.  Damage to this infrastructure is prevented by not permitting the use of pegs, spikes, star pickets or other ground driven devices.  Please contact Council to discuss any special requirements and hold down options for your setup.
  10. Hirers are permitted to bring their own barbecue provided it is situated at a safe distance from people and vegetation; A drop sheet or drip tray must be placed under the barbecue to protect the surface from grease
  11. Rice, confetti, glitter or other manufactured product is not permitted to be released.  Bubbles and rose petals are an acceptable alternative, however no residue is to remain on concrete pathways or stepped access
  12. Alcohol consumption in public parks is prohibited, event organisers will require a liquor licence and a separate application to be lodged with Health and Regulatory Services
  13. The approval holder is required to remove any rubbish created by the use or activity, and to ensure the area used is left in the same condition as before the use or activity commenced. In the case where bins are not provided or full, all litter must be removed from the site by the hirer immediately at the end of the event. Please note the hirer is responsible for the provision of extra bins where required & removal from site after event.
  14. When vacating the area, the hirer is responsible to ensure that all items attached to any structures are removed e.g. balloons, streamers and decorations, to avoid litter or possible threat to wildlife or marine animals.  No such fixtures are to be attached to trees and no nails or tacks are permitted to be used on any vegetation or structures
  15. Where MRC incurs costs or expenses in rectifying any damage caused or contributed to by the approval holder or by the conduct of the approved use or activity, the approval holder will be responsible to reimburse the amount of those costs or expenses to MRC.
  16. The approval holder will use the park, reserve or foreshore for the use/activity stated on the approval and for no other use/ activity.
  17. The use or activity authorised under the approval is restricted to the specified days and times.
  18. The approval holder will ensure that no glass or glass receptacles will be used at the park, reserve or foreshore on the date approved.
  19. All electrical cords, fittings, switches and other electrical equipment must comply with the appropriate Australian Standards and display a current electrical test tag.
  20. The approval holder is not to restrict/deny pedestrian or vehicle access of the park, reserve or foreshore.
  21. Parking of Vehicles is to be confined to designated parking areas.  Vehicles are not permitted inside the perimeter of the park without specific prior approval (a valid reason must be provided)
  22. The approval holder will ensure that no signage, flags or decorations are attached to or hung from any tree, structure or building within the park, reserve or foreshore.
  23. Any damage caused wilfully or accidentally is the responsibility of the approved hirer at the time and Council reserves the right to recover financial costs associated with such damage
  24. The approval holder will observe, perform and fulfil all the requirements of MRC's Policies and Local Laws not limited to but including food service, noise and waste.
  25. The approval holder is to carry the approval during the use or activity and is to produce the approval for inspection on demand by an authorised person.
  26. The approval holder is required to obtain any other necessary approval, lease, licence or permit under any other Local Law, Act or Regulation that is required for the use or activity.
  27. Council's parklands are public spaces, making a booking and the associated payment does not provide you with exclusive use of the area. If another applicant wishes to use the same area / day as a confirmed booking Council will not take the booking, however Council cannot take responsibility should members of the public decide to use the area without our knowledge.
  28. Council Community Hall facilities are not for hire under this application and must be hired separately under the Community Facilities Terms and Conditions of Hire.
  29. Cancellation or changes to bookings must be made in writing to Council at least 5 days prior to the booking date.  Refunds will not be given for late cancellations.
  30. MRC reserves the right to cancel any park, reserve or foreshore booking at any time for any reason including safety concerns of the location. If a cancellation occurs, MRC will endeavour to inform the approval holder and a refund of any fees paid may be negotiated.
  31. MRC reserves the right to terminate the event, either before or during the event, if the approval holder is in breach of the terms of this approval