Ken Burgess Orchid House
Surrounded by a cool oasis of majestic trees and tropical gardens, Mackay Regional Council’s Queens Park features a large collection of stunning orchids at the Ken Burgess Orchid House.
Spend some time leisurely strolling through the vast array of exquisite orchids. The Ken Burgess Orchid House contains beautiful and bizarre looking exotic and Australian native orchids. The collection includes some ground living orchids but consists mainly of tree and rock living orchids.
For easy access to the Ken Burgess Orchid House, please park in the Shakespeare Street car park and from there, it's a short walk along all-access pathways.
Location: Queens Park, Mackay. Access via 48 Shakespeare Street, East Mackay (behind Victoria Park State School).
Contact: 1300 MACKAY (622 529)
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday – 10am to 11am and 2pm to 3pm
Sunday – 10am to 2pm
Closed Saturdays and public holidays