Executive leadership team

Mackay Regional Council came into existence after the amalgamation of the former Mackay City Council, Mirani Shire Council and Sarina Shire Council on March 15, 2008.

The previous Mackay City Council amalgamated with the former Pioneer Shire Council and former Mackay City Council on April 8, 1994.

The Pioneer Shire Council was established in 1880, when it was known as the Pioneer Divisional Board. The original Mackay City Council was established in 1869.

Current organisational structure

The current organisational structure aligns council's five departments with Corporate Plan goals and objectives, giving a much clearer focus to our overall direction.

Council is divided in to five departments:

  • Community Services
  • Planning, Growth and Sustainability
  • Infrastructure and Operations
  • Corporate Services
  • Organisational Capability and Risk

The councillors' role is to decide the facilities and services for the community and to make local laws to help provide a prosperous, sustainable and vibrant region for residents.

The Executive Leadership Team (ELT)

Scott Owen 

Chief Executive Officer

Scott Owen

Joined council > November 28, 2022

CEO Scott Owen is a passionate, enthusiastic, and innovative leader, who brings significant senior executive experience to Mackay Regional Council.

Before joining council, he had more than five years of local government experience in a number of senior executive roles with the largest council in Australia – most recently managing a team of 2000 staff with a budget of more than $900m.

A continual focus point has been around continuous improvement and simplifying council operations to enhance the customer and community experience.

Throughout his career, he has held several senior executive roles leading large diverse teams with significant budgets and commercial operations. He has led significant organisational transformation.

Hailing from Birmingham in the United Kingdom, he credits his 10 years in the British Armed Forces as making him he person he is today, and two operational tours in the Afghanistan conflict for grounding his desire to make life better for people where he can.

Mr Owen holds a postgraduate diploma in strategic leadership, as well as multiple leadership and business administration qualifications.

Janine McKay 

Community Services

Director: Janine McKay

Joined council > May 1, 2023

Originally from Victoria, Janine has spent most of her career in Far North and South East Queensland, bringing more than 15 years of senior leadership experience across various Local Government and State Government departments.

With tertiary qualifications in science, public sector management and safety, Janine has led several functions, including natural resource management, customer services, field services and licencing and regulatory functions.

Janine has a long-standing commitment to improving outcomes for the community, embedding an ethos of continuous improvement, striving for agility in government and value for money.

Most weekends Janine and her husband will be out exploring the region’s wonderful natural environments.

Her current responsibilities include:

  • Community Lifestyle
  • Corporate Communications and Marketing
  • Health and Regulatory Services
  • MECC and Events


Infrastructure and Operations

Director: Jason Devitt

Joined council > November 16, 1995
Appointed Director > November 27, 2023

Jason Devitt holds a Bachelor of Engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer of Queensland.

With more than 25 years' experience in local government, Jason first started his career as an engineer in the water industry. Since then, he has progressed through numerous management positions expanding his field of expertise from water to waste and roads management.

As the Director of Infrastructure and Operations, Jason has a passion for delivering quality infrastructure projects that not only encourage regional growth, but also enhance liveability for the wider community.

His current responsibilities include the delivery of water and sewerage services, including infrastructure and treatment, waste services, roads and drainage.  Jason is also responsible in Emergency Management as the Local Disaster Coordinator for the Local Disaster Management Group.

His current responsibilities include:

  • Waste Services
  • Water Network
  • Water Treatment
  • Water and Sewerage Infrastructure Planning
  • Transport & Drainage Infrastructure Planning
  • Civil Operations
  • Asset Management
  • Design Services
  • Portfolio Management
  • Parks and Open Spaces
  • Property and Plant
Lisa Young 

Organisational Capability and Risk

Director: Lisa Young

Joined council > February 19, 2024

Lisa is a seasoned executive leader and facilitator.

Her background spans across executive leadership, human resources, community development, business consulting, and operations management, shaping her into a versatile leader capable of understanding the complexities of organisations at their core.

Driven by results and a passion for inclusive leadership, Lisa is known for creating dynamic conversations and speaking truths that empower individuals to be their authentic selves. In this environment, she believes productivity flourishes, and collective potential is unlocked.
After a brief stint in the private sector, Lisa has returned to local government, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and 10 years of experience in the field.

She and her family (husband and two young children) have relocated to Mackay.

Outside of work, Lisa is an avid NRL supporter and takes delight in everything nature has to offer – from beach outings and nature walks to hiking, exploring waterfalls, and camping adventures.

Her current responsibilities include:

  • Business Improvement and Change Management
  • Ethical Standards, Audit & Risk
  • Emergency Management

Planning, Growth and Sustainability

Director: Aletta Nugent

Joined council > January 28, 2019

Aletta has been working in local government at an executive and senior management level for 12 years after starting her career as a solicitor specialising in planning and environmental law.

She holds qualifications in law, science and land use planning.

Aletta has worked in local government in both Western Australia and Queensland, relocating to Mackay from Broome. She was born and raised in regional Queensland and has a strong attachment to North Queensland.

Her current responsibilities include:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Development Planning and Engineering
  • Economic Development and Tourism
  • Mackay City and Waterfront Project


Executive Officer

David McKendry

Joined council > April, 1992
Appointed executive officer > July 15, 2013

David is a long-term Mackay local, having originally moved north from Rockhampton. With more than 20 years’ experience in local government, David rejoined council in 2002 after an earlier stint and has held the position of Executive Officer since 2013.

He holds qualifications in business, local government and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

As a Mackay resident, David has been involved in a variety of local sporting and other groups, including acting as treasurer for a number.

David is married with one son, and enjoys spending weekends gardening at their property at Erakala.

His current responsibilities include:

  • Coordination of council meeting functions
  • Company secretary for a number of council-controlled entities
  • Secretariat for the Greater Whitsunday Council of Mayors
  • CEO, mayoral and councillor support