Place Score 2023 Australian Liveability Census

The 2023 Australian Liveability Census invited local communities to share what is important to them and how local neighbourhoods are performing.

With more than 50,000 responses across all states and territories, the 2023 Australian Liveability Census is the largest community engagement project ever undertaken.

The census allows federal, state and local governments to gain a better understanding of liveability from the perspective of our nation’s diverse population and provides decision makers with the evidence base to enhance the lives of local communities.

Mackay’s liveability performance score was 62 out of 100.

Our number one liveability value was elements of natural environment (natural features, views, vegetation, topography, water, wildlife etc.), with 73 per cent of respondents valuing this attribute.

Our number one liveability performer was ease of driving and parking, with a score of 7.7 out of 10.

The census also identified highly valued but underperforming areas that council should focus on and invest in to bring the most benefits to the community, such as the general condition of public open space (street trees, footpaths, parks etc.) and walking/jogging/bike paths that connect housing to communal amenity (shops, parks etc).

Council is working hard to improve in areas of strength as well as areas of underperformance through a variety of current and future programs including the following, to list just a few:

  • Improving urban amenity and pathway shade through tree planting projects that support the Mackay Urban Greening Strategy.
  • Our proposed Active Transport Strategy scheduled to commence in 2024 will assist in identifying and prioritising key pedestrian and active transport routes that can be developed or improved as future projects.
  • Improving the management of our parks and open spaces by adopting an asset management approach.
  • Vegetation and beach management activities in our natural environment areas.
  • Invest Mackay Events and Attraction Program.


Place Score Reports

You can read more about the results at the links below.